About Us
Preston Community Preschool is a Registered Charity and is overseen by our Trustees who all give up their time voluntarily to help run our preschool.
Our Setting, Our Team
We have 3 rooms, Hoglets for babies aged 6months - 2 years. Ladybirds for children aged 2-3 years and Bees for children 3+
Ladybirds/Hoglets Room Leaders: Kimberley, Holly, Bees Room Leader: Alison Staff: Sue, Dan, Kim, Luke, Kitty, Alice, Becky, Sheree, Amy Special educational needs Co-ordinator : Terena Special educational needs Co-ordinator: Susan All staff hold a Level 2/3 or above in Early Years Childcare and Education. In addition, all staff have Level 2 Food Hygiene Administrator: Debbie Kitchen Assistant: Robyn |
Our Trustees
Our preschool is overseen by a board of committee, our Trustees, who all give up their time voluntarily to help run our preschool.
Chair of the Committee: Rachael Cresswell
Vice Chair: Alison Baker
Trustees: Anne Brown, Lee Vallance, Tom Crocker, Tess Fittock
Chair of the Committee: Rachael Cresswell
Vice Chair: Alison Baker
Trustees: Anne Brown, Lee Vallance, Tom Crocker, Tess Fittock
Do You Have a Complaint About Us?
Any complaints should be directed in the first instance to:
Mrs Susan Gibbons| Preschool Manager |Tel: 01803 520712 OR
Mrs Rachael Cresswell| The Chair of the Preschool Trustees by making an appointment through the Preschool office.
If you are still unhappy, please contact:
Complaints Department OFSTED
Piccadilly Gate| Store Street|MANCHESTER|M1 2WD
Tel: 0300 123 1231|[email protected]
Any complaints should be directed in the first instance to:
Mrs Susan Gibbons| Preschool Manager |Tel: 01803 520712 OR
Mrs Rachael Cresswell| The Chair of the Preschool Trustees by making an appointment through the Preschool office.
If you are still unhappy, please contact:
Complaints Department OFSTED
Piccadilly Gate| Store Street|MANCHESTER|M1 2WD
Tel: 0300 123 1231|[email protected]